Istanbul Water-Wastewater Facilities and Network Lines



General Directorate of Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration


Features / Capacity / Area
634,000.00 sqm

Contract Date
2019 April

Prota undertook the earthquake performance analysis and preparation of reinforcement preliminary projects for various facilities and network lines throughout Istanbul province, under the supervision of İSKİ. These activities were conducted in accordance with the 2018 Earthquake Codes of Turkey, as stipulated in the contract signed in April 2019.


Field investigation and survey projects for the purpose of determining the earthquake effect on reinforced concrete, steel and masonry structures located in 12 (twelve) drinking water treatment, 10 (ten) wastewater treatment, 3 (three) water tanks and 4 (four) pumping station facilities. Structural analyzes were carried out and reinforcement proposal projects were created.


At the same time; In order to determine the earthquake effect on large diameter (>400mm-3.15 km) drinking water and large diameter (>700mm-1.41 km) wastewater lines, structural analyzes were carried out and reinforcement proposal projects were created.


The services provided by Prota within the scope of the project are summarized below:

  • Soil Survey-Drilling and Geotechnical Report Creation Services
  • Determination of Existing Concrete and Reinforcement Class Services
  • Creation of Surveying Projects Services
  • Structural Engineering Design Services
  • Preparation of Reinforcement Suggestion Projects Services
  • Cost Consultancy Services

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