Tender DocumentatIon

At Prota, we understand the importance of accurate and comprehensive tender documentation in ensuring a successful bidding process.


Our approach to preparing tender documents is meticulous and detail-oriented, ensuring that every aspect of the project is clearly defined and communicated to potential bidders.


Our team works closely with clients to tailor the tender documentation to the specific needs of each project, ensuring that all relevant information is included and presented in a clear and organized manner.


By providing comprehensive and well-structured tender documentation, we facilitate a transparent and competitive bidding process, leading to the selection of the most suitable contractor for the project.


Tender documents will vary depending on the nature, size and complexity of the construction tender. The tender documents for the main construction contract will typically include:

  • Preliminary design drawings.
  • Determining the most suitable construction methods for various building types and reporting their advantages and disadvantages.
  • Research and reporting of the most suitable construction materials and the sources from which they can be obtained.
  • Preliminaries provide a description of a project that allows the contractor to assess costs which, whilst they do not form a part of any of the package of works required by the contract, are required by the method and circumstances of the works.
  • The form of contract, contract conditions and amendments.
  • A tender pricing document (or contract sum analysis on design and build projects). This sets out the way in which the client wishes to review the breakdown of the overall tender prices provided.
  • Employer’s information requirements for BIM. Defining the information that will be required by the client from suppliers for the development of the project and for the operation of the completed built asset.
  • Preparation of the specifications describing the materials and workmanship required for construction.
  • Conducting cost analyzes and providing BoQ in a clear, concise, applicable and understandable manner.