
Tufanbeyli Thermal Power Plant


Tufanbeyli Thermal Power Plant

Prota Engineering boasts a nearly 25-year history in the energy sector, having designed approximately 10 large-scale coal, natural gas, fuel, wind, waste, and combined cycle power plants, as well as over 15 moderate-scale energy plants in Türkiye and other countries. Our expertise extends to all known and applied types of power plants, excluding water power plants.


Our extensive experience in the energy sector has equipped us with the knowledge and skills to tackle complex energy projects. We understand the importance of efficiency, reliability, and sustainability in power plant design and strive to incorporate these elements into every project.


Moving forward, our focus is on the green energy sector. We are committed to conducting ongoing research aimed at designing more efficient power plants that not only meet the energy demands of today but also pave the way for a sustainable future. We believe it is our responsibility to guide our customers towards the utilization of sustainable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and biomass, to reduce the environmental impact of energy production.


As the world transitions towards cleaner energy sources, Prota Engineering is at the forefront of this shift, providing innovative solutions that contribute to the global effort to combat climate change. Our commitment to sustainable energy is reflected in our dedication to developing power plants that are not only efficient but also environmentally friendly.
