
Our tunneling design expertise is at the forefront of underground construction, especially for metro, railway, and highway tunnels. We provide innovative solutions for the design and construction support of tunnels and other subterranean structures. Our team is equipped to tackle the unique challenges associated with tunneling, ensuring the success and safety of these complex projects.

Geotechnical Investigations:

Understanding the geological conditions is crucial for tunnel design. We conduct comprehensive geotechnical investigations to assess soil and rock properties, groundwater conditions, and potential geohazards. These investigations provide the foundational knowledge necessary for safe and effective tunnel construction.

Instrumentation and Monitoring:

Designing Instrumentation & Monitoring (I&M) systems for tunneling is a key aspect of our tunnel design services. Given the geological uncertainties present in all underground construction projects, appropriate I&M can corroborate that a design is functioning as intended and provide safe and stable conditions during and after construction.

Building Damage Assessment:

The most challenging aspect of tunnel construction in big cities where construction is dense; It is to limit the impacts that will affect buildings, existing surface and subsurface infrastructure lines. We evaluate the surface and subsurface movements expected to occur as a result of the excavation activities to be carried out along the tunnel sections (tunnels to be excavated with mechanized or conventional methods) and, accordingly, the degree of damage that may occur in the existing buildings within the impact area. This approach helps provide long-term protection for structures within the affected area.

Customized Tunnel Design:

Our tunnel designs are tailored to the specific requirements of each project, taking into account factors such as tunnel purpose, size, alignment, and depth. We utilize advanced software and modeling techniques to optimize the structural integrity and functionality of the tunnel, ensuring that our designs meet both safety and performance standards. Our models offer crucial engineering insights into the factors that primarily influence design and construction.

Construction Methods:

We provide expert guidance on the selection of appropriate construction and support methods, including:


  • NATM (New Austrian Tunneling Method): This method is suitable for various ground conditions and involves the sequential excavation and support of the tunnel.
  • TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine): TBMs are ideal for long tunnels and provide efficient and precise excavation, particularly in consistent geological conditions.
  • Cut-and-Cover: This method is typically used for shallow tunnels and involves excavation followed by construction of the tunnel structure and backfilling.


We ensure that the chosen construction method aligns with the project’s requirements, maximizing efficiency and safety during the tunneling process.