
Akdamar Church Restoration and Retrofitting / Restoration: Yakup Hazan


Akdamar Church Restoration and Retrofitting / Restoration: Yakup Hazan

Prota Engineering has a rich history in designing sports facilities, showcasing its ability to create spaces that inspire athletic excellence and community engagement. Since its establishment, the firm has garnered special experience in the design of facilities for Olympic branches, reflecting its commitment to supporting sports at the highest levels.


The firm’s portfolio in sports facility design is diverse and includes stadiums, which are architectural marvels that accommodate large crowds and provide a thrilling atmosphere for sporting events. Prota’s expertise also extends to indoor and outdoor sports fields, designed to cater to a variety of sports and activities, ensuring versatility and functionality.


Swimming pools, another area of Prota’s expertise, are designed with precision to meet the standards for competitive swimming while also providing recreational spaces for the community. The firm also focuses on creating recreation areas that enhance the overall sports facility experience, offering spaces for relaxation and social interaction.


Prota’s commitment to inclusivity is evident in its design of camping facilities and disabled sports facilities. These spaces are tailored to ensure accessibility and safety for all athletes, promoting sports participation among diverse groups.


As Prota Engineering continues to design sports facilities, the firm remains dedicated to creating spaces that not only meet the functional needs of athletes and spectators but also contribute to the development of sports infrastructure and the promotion of physical activity in communities.
