5th Group Underground and Ground Car Parking

5th Group Underground and Ground Car Parking
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality
Features / Capacity / Area
219,281.00 sqm
Contract Date
2015 January
The preparation of underground, above-ground car park and transfer center projects on 18 (eighteen) lands in accordance with the zoning legislation in the province of Istanbul was carried out by Prota in line with the contract signed in January 2015.
In this context; Designing the necessary spaces according to the needs of the underground-above-ground reinforced concrete, mechanical or steel multi-storey car park structure and preparing plan sheets together with project account reports, making application and cubage calculations, preparing expropriation sheets, architectural preliminary project, application project, system sections and plans, details, Conducting all kinds of necessary ground surveys and preparing a report, preparing the pile shoring (sheet piling wall, retaining wall, bored pile application, etc.) projects that will be needed in line with the recommendations in the soil survey report, application project, details, static reports, mechanical engineering application project, details, calculation reports, electrical engineering application project, details, calculation reports, exterior and environmental lighting in special buildings, designing the driver information system that will direct the driver to empty parking bays in the car park, empty parking floors and preparation of tender documents.
In the design of underground parking structures; Cut-cover, top-down, tunnel and/or shaft type design methods were used.
The services provided by Prota within the scope of the project are summarized below:
- Architectural Design Services and Structural Engineering Design Services
- Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Design Services
- Infrastructure Engineering Design Services
- Fire and Life Safety Consultancy Services
- Landscape Design Services
- Lighting Design Services
- Cost Consultancy Services