
Our architectural designs blend form, function, and sustainability, creating spaces that are aesthetically pleasing, efficient, and environmentally responsible. We focus on client needs, site context, and innovative solutions, incorporating the latest trends and technologies to create buildings that are both beautiful and functional.

Client-Centric Design

We place our clients at the heart of the design process, ensuring that their vision, needs, and aspirations are fully integrated into the final architectural solution. We engage in active dialogue with our clients to understand their requirements and translate them into innovative and practical design concepts.

Contextual Sensitivity

Our designs are sensitive to the site context, taking into account the surrounding environment, local culture, and historical significance. We strive to create buildings that are in harmony with their surroundings and contribute positively to the urban fabric.

Sustainable Practices

Sustainability is a core principle of our design philosophy. We incorporate eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient systems, and green building practices to minimize the environmental impact of our projects. Our designs aim to achieve a balance between aesthetic appeal and environmental stewardship.

Functional Efficiency

We prioritize the functional aspects of our designs, ensuring that spaces are well-organized, flexible, and adaptable to changing needs. We focus on creating efficient layouts that optimize space utilization and enhance user comfort and productivity.

Aesthetic Excellence

Our architectural designs are characterized by their aesthetic excellence, with attention to detail, proportion, and scale. We explore innovative forms, materials, and textures to create visually striking and memorable buildings.

Technological Integration

We embrace the latest technologies in architecture, from Building Information Modeling (BIM) to advanced simulation tools. This allows us to optimize design solutions, improve collaboration, and enhance the overall quality of our projects.

Collaborative Approach

Our architectural team works closely with engineers, consultants, and other stakeholders to ensure a holistic and integrated approach to design. This collaborative process results in cohesive and well-coordinated projects that meet the highest standards of quality and performance.

At Prota Engineering, our architectural services go beyond mere aesthetics; we create spaces that inspire, function optimally, and stand the test of time. Whether it’s a commercial complex, a residential building, or a public facility, we are committed to delivering designs that are both beautiful and functional, tailored to the unique needs of each client and project.


We provide structural engineering services that ensure the strength, stability, and durability of buildings and structures. Using advanced analysis and design techniques, we optimize materials and construction methods to achieve safe and cost-effective solutions that meet all regulatory requirements and performance criteria.

Comprehensive Analysis

We employ advanced structural analysis techniques to assess the loads and forces that a structure will need to withstand. This includes considerations for dead loads, live loads, wind loads, seismic loads, and other environmental factors.

Material Optimization

Our engineers are experts in selecting the most suitable materials for each project, balancing strength, durability, cost, and sustainability. We work with a wide range of materials, including steel, concrete, timber, and composite materials, to find the best solution for each specific application.

Design Innovation

We leverage innovative design approaches to create structures that are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. Our team stays abreast of the latest trends and technologies in structural engineering to provide cutting-edge solutions.

Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring compliance with all relevant building codes and standards is a top priority. We adhere to local and international regulations to guarantee the safety and legality of our designs.

Seismic Design: In regions prone to earthquakes, we provide specialized seismic design services to ensure that structures can withstand seismic forces. This includes the use of advanced modeling techniques and the implementation of seismic-resistant features.


Our electrical engineering services are integral to the functionality and safety of buildings and infrastructure. We design and implement electrical systems that are efficient, reliable, and aligned with the latest technological advancements.

Power Distribution

We design comprehensive power distribution systems to ensure the reliable and efficient supply of electricity throughout a facility. This includes the layout of electrical panels, transformers, switchgear, and wiring, tailored to meet the specific needs and load requirements of each project.

Lighting Design

Our lighting design solutions focus on aesthetics, functionality, and energy efficiency. We create lighting plans that enhance the ambiance of spaces, ensure adequate illumination for safety and productivity, and minimize energy consumption through the use of LED technology and intelligent lighting controls.

Fire Alarm Systems

We design and specify fire alarm and detection systems that provide early warning and facilitate prompt evacuation in the event of a fire. Our designs comply with all relevant safety standards and codes, ensuring the protection of occupants and property.

Energy Efficiency

Our electrical engineering services prioritize energy efficiency, incorporating strategies such as energy-efficient lighting, occupancy sensors, and smart building systems to reduce energy consumption and lower operating costs.

Network Architecture

We design robust network architectures that ensure reliable and efficient communication. Our designs encompass wired and wireless networks, including fiber optic cabling, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and cellular networks, tailored to the specific requirements of each project.

System Integration

We focus on integrating various telecommunication systems, such as voice, data, video, and security systems, to create a cohesive and unified communication infrastructure. This integration enhances functionality and simplifies management.


Security is a paramount concern in telecommunication design. We implement advanced security measures, including encryption, firewalls, and access controls, to protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access.

Compliance and Standards

We ensure that all our electrical and telecommunication designs comply with local and international electrical codes and standards, providing peace of mind that the systems are safe, reliable, and legally compliant.

At Prota, our electrical and telecommunication engineering services are tailored to meet the unique requirements of each project, delivering solutions that are not only technically sound but also innovative and sustainable.


Our geotechnical engineering services are crucial for ensuring the stability and safety of structures from the ground up. We specialize in understanding the behavior of earth materials and their interaction with engineered systems.

Site Investigations

We conduct comprehensive site investigations to gather data on soil, rock, groundwater, and other subsurface conditions. Our investigations include drilling, sampling, in-situ testing, and laboratory testing to accurately characterize the site’s geotechnical properties.

Soil Mechanics

Our expertise in soil mechanics allows us to analyze the behavior of soil under various loading conditions. We assess factors such as compressibility, shear strength, and permeability to inform design decisions and ensure the stability of structures.

Foundation Design

We provide tailored foundation design solutions based on the specific requirements of each project. Our designs consider factors such as load-bearing capacity, settlement, and soil-structure interaction to ensure a safe and stable foundation.


We oversee the design and execution of earthworks, including excavation, grading, and compaction. Our team ensures that earthworks are carried out efficiently and safely, meeting project specifications and minimizing the risk of soil-related issues.

Slope Stability

We assess the stability of natural and man-made slopes to prevent landslides and erosion. Our analyses include evaluating slope geometry, soil properties, and external factors such as rainfall and seismic activity.

Ground Improvement

For sites with challenging soil conditions, we develop ground improvement strategies to enhance soil properties and support construction. Techniques may include soil stabilization, densification, and the use of geosynthetics.

Risk Assessment

Our geotechnical services include risk assessment and mitigation planning to address potential geotechnical hazards and ensure the long-term safety and performance of structures.


Our mechanical engineering services are integral to the functionality and comfort of buildings and infrastructure. We design and implement mechanical systems that are efficient, reliable, and tailored to the specific needs of each project.

HVAC Systems

We design heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems that provide optimal thermal comfort and indoor air quality. Our designs focus on energy efficiency, using advanced technologies such as variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems, heat recovery ventilation (HRV), and building automation systems to reduce energy consumption and operating costs.


Our plumbing engineering services encompass the design of water supply, drainage, and sanitary systems. We ensure that these systems are safe, hygienic, and efficient, incorporating water-saving technologies and practices to conserve resources.

Fire Protection

We design comprehensive fire protection systems, including sprinklers, fire alarms, and smoke control systems, to ensure the safety of occupants and property. Our designs comply with all relevant fire safety codes and standards, providing peace of mind and protection in the event of a fire.

Energy Management

Our approach to mechanical engineering includes a strong focus on energy management. We conduct energy audits and implement energy conservation measures to reduce the environmental impact of buildings and infrastructure. This includes the use of energy-efficient equipment, optimization of system operation, and integration with renewable energy sources.


Sustainability is a core principle in our mechanical engineering services. We design systems that minimize energy use, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and contribute to the overall sustainability of the project. This includes the use of environmentally friendly refrigerants, low-emission materials, and green building certifications.

System Integration

We ensure that mechanical systems are seamlessly integrated with other building systems, such as electrical and control systems, to enhance overall building performance and functionality.

Our mechanical engineering services are designed to create comfortable, safe, and efficient environments. We are committed to delivering innovative solutions that optimize system performance and energy use, ensuring the long-term sustainability and success of each project.

Energy Management

Our approach to mechanical engineering includes a strong focus on energy management. We conduct energy audits and implement energy conservation measures to reduce the environmental impact of buildings and infrastructure. This includes the use of energy-efficient equipment, optimization of system operation, and integration with renewable energy sources.


Sustainability is a core principle in our mechanical engineering services. We design systems that minimize energy use, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and contribute to the overall sustainability of the project. This includes the use of environmentally friendly refrigerants, low-emission materials, and green building certifications.

System Integration

We ensure that mechanical systems are seamlessly integrated with other building systems, such as electrical and control systems, to enhance overall building performance and functionality.


Our mechanical engineering services are designed to create comfortable, safe, and efficient environments. We are committed to delivering innovative solutions that optimize system performance and energy use, ensuring the long-term sustainability and success of each project.

BIM (Building Information Modeling)


Our tunneling expertise is at the forefront of underground construction especially metro, railway and highway tunnels, providing innovative solutions for the design and construction support of tunnels and other subterranean structures. Our team is equipped to tackle the unique challenges associated with tunneling, ensuring the success and safety of these complex projects.


Understanding the geological conditions is crucial for tunnel design. We conduct comprehensive geotechnical investigations to assess soil and rock properties, groundwater conditions, and potential geohazards.


Our designs are tailored to the specific requirements of each project, taking into account factors such as tunnel purpose, size, alignment, and depth. We utilize advanced software and modeling techniques to optimize the structural integrity and functionality of the tunnel.


We provide expert guidance on the selection of appropriate construction methods, including NATM, TBM and Cut-and-Cover tunnels.


Our civil engineering services are foundational to the development of communities and the enhancement of the built environment. We offer comprehensive solutions that address the multifaceted challenges of civil engineering projects, ensuring functionality, sustainability, and regulatory compliance.


Transportation Infrastructure

We design transportation infrastructure such as roads, bridges, highways, and transit systems. Our designs focus on safety, efficiency, and connectivity, facilitating smooth and sustainable transportation for communities.


Water Resources

Our water resource engineering services encompass the design and management of systems for water supply, drainage, flood control, and wastewater treatment. We develop solutions that ensure the availability and quality of water resources while protecting the environment and public health.


Environmental Systems

We are committed to environmental stewardship in our civil engineering projects. Our designs incorporate sustainable practices such as erosion control, stormwater management, and habitat preservation, ensuring that projects contribute positively to the environment.


We are committed to delivering trackwork designs that ensure the safe, efficient, and sustainable operation of rail systems, contributing to the development of modern transportation infrastructure.


Our trackwork services are essential for the development of safe, efficient, and reliable railway systems. We specialize in the design and engineering of railway tracks, providing comprehensive solutions for both freight and passenger transport.


We carefully design the alignment of railway tracks, considering factors such as curvature, gradients, and speed requirements. Our designs ensure smooth and safe operation of trains, optimizing the route for efficiency and passenger comfort.


We provide detailed designs for trackbed construction, including the selection of suitable materials and the specification of layers such as subgrade, sub-ballast, and ballast. Our designs ensure a stable and resilient foundation for the tracks, capable of withstanding the loads and stresses of railway operations.


We specify rail fastening systems that securely anchor the rails to the trackbed, allowing for necessary adjustments and providing resistance to lateral and vertical forces.


Effective drainage is crucial for the longevity of railway tracks. We design drainage systems that prevent water accumulation and protect the trackbed and surrounding infrastructure from water-related damage.


We specify high-quality track components, including rails, sleepers (ties), and turnouts (switches), ensuring their compatibility and durability. Our designs consider the requirements for load capacity, maintenance, and lifecycle costs.


Our infrastructure design services are dedicated to creating systems that support the growth and well-being of communities. We are committed to delivering infrastructure that is not only functional and resilient but also sustainable and responsive to the needs of future generations. We provide comprehensive solutions for transportation networks, utilities, and public works, ensuring that our infrastructure systems are functional, resilient, and sustainable.


Our infrastructure design services encompass water supply, sewage, stormwater management, and electrical distribution systems. We ensure that these essential services are reliable, efficient, and environmentally responsible, meeting the needs of communities and industries.


Prota’s environmental services are designed to promote sustainable development and protect the natural environment. We are committed to delivering projects that are not only technically sound but also environmentally responsible, contributing to a more sustainable future.


We incorporate sustainable design principles into all our projects, aiming to reduce energy consumption, minimize waste, and use resources efficiently. Our designs consider the entire lifecycle of the project, from construction to operation and eventual decommissioning.


We conduct comprehensive EIAs to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of proposed projects. Our assessments consider factors such as air and water quality, biodiversity, soil erosion, and noise pollution. We use the findings to develop mitigation strategies and ensure that projects are environmentally viable.


Our seismic engineering services are driven by a commitment to safety, resilience, and innovation. We are dedicated to protecting structures and their occupants from the devastating impacts of earthquakes, ensuring that our projects are built to endure.


Being the first engineering company in Turkey to have a special focus on earthquake engineering, Prota has made it one of its major disciplines. Specific fields of expertise are the retrofit design of buildings and large structures, seismic capacity assessment of structures, repair and strengthening of damaged buildings, and software development for structural finite element analysis, design, and detailing.


Prota has been involved in several projects funded by the World Bank, European Investment Bank, European Commission, and EuropeAid, as well as in seismic risk mitigation projects funded by some Turkish ministries including Ministry of Public Works and Settlement, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Defence, and Ministry of Interior.


Prota has performed post-earthquake field inspections, damage assessments, retrofit designs, and numerous renovation projects after the several tragic earthquakes which took place in Turkey such as the 1992 Erzincan, 1995 Dinar, 1998 Adana/Ceyhan, 1999 Marmara, 2002 Sultandagi, and the 2003 Bingol, 2011 Simav, 2011 Van, 2023 Kahramanmaras and Hatay earthquakes.


Prota has so far completed earthquake risk mitigation projects situated on a total of about 15 million square meters of construction area.


Prota has been directly involved in the formation of the Turkish Draft Code for “Buildings to be constructed under the Earthquake Zones” as well.


Besides the cooperative research ventures with academic institutions such as Gazi University, Istanbul Technical University, Yıldız Technical University, Cukurova University and Middle East Technical University, Prota conducts and sponsors substantial numbers of feasibility and research studies, develops methodologies, standards, techniques, and specifications, and provides contract management and retrofitting construction supervision services in this field of expertise.


Furthermore, Prota has an office in Middle East Technical University (METU) Technology Development Center for research and development purposes in the areas of seismic risk and civil engineering since 2002.


Every two years, Prota organizes symposiums on earthquake and seismology engineering. Several worldwide well-known experts and academicians contribute to these symposiums as speakers to share their expertise with academicians, managers and members of selected public and private institutions and universities of Turkey.